The wait list for kidney transplants in the United States is growing every year, meaning more patients competing for the same select pool of viable kidneys. There are several limiting factors that evaluate a patient for organ compatibility, including blood type, cross match, and HLA. For obese patients, their weight is the main contraindication for surgery. Morbidly obese patients have increased risks for complications such as transplant failure or organ rejection, wound infection, heart disease, and decreased odds of tissue match. Because obesity creates the potential for such serious complications, patients with a high BMI are often disqualified as a kidney recipient. Transplant Disqualification Of Morbidly Obese Patients A patient is classified as morbidly obese if they weigh 100 pounds or more than their ideal weight or has a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher. BMI is calculated by dividing a persons weight in kilograms by their height in meters, and then dividing that answer by their height again. A normal body mass index is considered to be 18.5. One of the restricting factors for eligibility for the waiting list is a patient’s body-mass index. Studies have shown that obese and morbidly obese patients have a decreased likelihood of receiving a kidney transplant or at the very least will remain on the waiting list longer. The median wait time for a kidney transplant of a patient of normal weight is approximately 3 years; for morbidly obese patients the median wait increases to 5 years. Obese patients must often wait longer due to the increased possibility for dangerous, and potentially life threatening, complications both during and after surgery. Surgical procedures, of any nature, performed on obese patients are more difficult and take longer, which is why weight loss is so highly recommended and necessary for a kidney transplant procedure. Surgical Weight Loss For Kidney Transplant Obesity can be common in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the leading cause for patients in need of a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, patients who are morbidly obese are unable to achieve the necessary amount of weight loss on their own through traditional methods such as diet and exercise. For many patients in this category, the most effective option is to lose the weight through bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery procedures are performed on the stomach and/or intestines to restrict food intake helping patients to lose weight and then maintain that weight loss in conjunction with a healthier diet and lifestyle. Through bariatric surgery, countless patients with ESRD have been able to lose the weight needed to help them qualify for their kidney transplant. Las Vegas Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is an effective way for severely obese patients to have a chance at getting a new kidney and a new lease on life. Bariatric surgery for patients in need of a kidney transplant requires a surgeon who is familiar with the delicate situation and physical needs associated with ESRD and dialysis. Dr. Bernie Hanna of Las Vegas Bariatrics has successfully treated many patients in this situation. With years of extensive experience and knowledge, Dr. Hanna is able to help morbidly obese patients lose the weight needed to qualify for their kidney transplant, not to mention the benefit of a healthier life. At Las Vegas Bariatrics, Dr. Hanna will sit with you and help you decide which procedure is best for you. He is committed to providing superior and compassionate care focused on improving the life and overall health of all his patients. If you or someone you love suffers from ESRD or is in need of a kidney transplant but must first lose weight to qualify, Contact Las Vegas Bariatrics today for more information on bariatric surgery.
Las Vegas Bariatrics 7220 South Cimarron Road Suite 100, Las Vegas NV 89113 (702) 384-1160