
Total Weight Lost: 165 lbs

I have no words for how much I would like to thank Dr. Hanna and his Team. They have truly changed my life! I was 322lbs with many health problems. I am now 157 lbs and went from a size 28 to a size 8. I am now healthy and the slimmest I have ever been. I will always be grateful to Dr. Hanna and his team. It took me a year to make this big decision after careful research. Dr. Hanna is remarkable and he truly and genuinely cares about his patients. Thanks to Las Vegas Bariatrics My new life has begun!!!


Total Weight Lost: 70 lbs

Surgery Date: 02/23/2016

This has been a tough process but a very positive one. I am proud of where I am today and most of all happy and healthy.


Dr. Hanna is a brilliant clinician and his staff are warm and very efficient. His practice was was the only one where I didn’t feel like a number. This surgery changed my life in an extremely positive way. The few times that I’ve had issues was because of my own non-compliance to the program Dr. Hanna set forth. My surgery and the positive effect was a success because I started off on the right foot by choosing the Best Surgeon after my year of research.


I now put on a dress and a bathing suit. Something I would never do before. I enjoy my life with my kids and am able and go around without struggle.


I am now able to workout more! I've become more confident, flexible, and my stamina has increased. I am so happy that I can wear more types of clothes now! This weight loss journey has made is so much easier to shop for clothing!


I love that I am able to run around and play with my kids! I can finally wear jeans comfortably and workout without getting winded. I love how much energy I now have!


Since the surgery, I am now able to do more things! Something I am very proud of is that I am able to tie my shoes with out having any problems. This wasn't possible before. Thank you!


Total Weight Lost: 95 lbs

Since the surgery, I went from 275 pounds to 180 pounds. I feel lighter and more energetic. I can teach with no problem.


The one thing that I love now is going on amusement rides with my kids. For the first time in many many many years I went on roller coaster rides! I also now love shopping. I was used to not being able to find things that would fit me, and now I’m down to an extra large and 14 size pants which makes shopping so much easier!


Total Weight Lost: 122 lbs

At my heaviest I was 475 lbs. I went into the surgery on May 20th of this year at 427 lbs. Today, November 23 I am 305 lbs. The diet wasn't easy, but the pain from the surgery was minimal. its changed my life dramatically.


I can play with my kids till they get tired. I absolutely love that I don't have to stop every so often for a break. I used to get out of breath and now I don't!


I travel on airplanes a lot a lot, so my favorite thing since the surgery is being able to sit in an airplane seat without having my stomach or sides crushed against the seat and arm rests. I am already a big guy without the weight so airplanes are just not comfortable anyway. I am also so much more active now. I can bounce up stairs, and I say bounce because I literally feel the light when I go up stairs. It is a weird sensation but such a good one. And clothes options.... for big people, and especially big men there are no options on clothing styles. Its like, here take a polo - hope it fits right. As a big guy I had big breasts and men's shirts (even big sizes) don't seem to account for the shape of being fat. It would cause the shirt to be tight under my arms and stretched in the back. Now, I can wear stylish clothes. I have options in the looks and brands that I can shop. It's not embarrassing to get clothing gifts from people anymore because I can actually wear what they buy for me.


I have so much energy and I love it. Best decision I ever made.


I can walk, hike, shop, travel. I also don’t wake up in pain anymore.


My life has completely changed. I have endless energy and feel so much better!


I am off my asthma medicine, I can shop easier, my blood pressure is good, and I'm very active without being worn out.


Total Weight Lost: 115 lbs

I am 6 months out from being bypassed and 115 lbs down. I have no more pain in my back or knees. I am no longer pre-diabetic, my Hypertension is under control and I don’t have to use a c-pap machine. I’ve come to realize that I love to dance. I wasn’t able to dance before.


Total Weight Lost: 60 lbs

Before my weight loss surgery I didn’t go anywhere because my joint pain was so bad. I have lost almost 60 pounds and I can finally live my life again!


I love that I am able to be active without getting tired. I can keep up with my 2 year old now. I actually USE my gym membership five days a week. It has become a part of my every day routine! My confidence has also gone totally up! I don't look down when I walk. Definitely have my chin up now! I actually love eating what's good for me instead of bad food because I am actually seeing results that I love so it's rewarding.


Total Weight Lost: 89 lbs

Since December 21st 2021 I'm down 89lbs and feel and look great. A lot people ask me if I did the weight loss to look better. I tell them I did it to get healthy. I no longer take medications for high blood pressure or diabetes. My energy levels are great, I look forward to going to the gym and playing baseball. My wife likes the high energy too.


A quality life was not mine. I weighed almost 300 pounds and had diabetes which was out of control and I was on tons on medicines. I was shooting 130 units of insulin four times a day, taking four blood pressure pills a day, acid reflux pills which totaled in 20 pills a day for various issues. Today I'm currently off 16 pills and my diabetes is at normal levels. Doctor Bernie Hanna saved my life. I’m down from wearing 3x and size 22 dresses, I can now dance without pain! I previously tried every diet and that didn’t work. Now I’m down to size 9/10 pants jeans and presently weigh 130 pounds. Thank you for giving me a life I could never have imagined! Thank you! Dr. Hanna.


Since my surgery, I have been able to wear a smaller size jeans etc. I can take my dogs walking without the pain. My primary Dr. has taken me off my insulin and blood pressure meds due to being in a normal status. I never thought that would happen. I sleep better and have more energy during the day.


Now that I have had my surgery, I am finally feeling like I can live again! I can dance, walk without being winded, go up and down stairs with no problem. My quality of sleep is better, the numbness has decreased, my blood pressure is normal, my labs have been great! And as a PCOS patient, my cycles have been more consistent.


I have developed a love for hiking and backpacking. My wife and I have gone on a number of new adventures and are planning more! I've hiked more miles than I thought physically possible and it drives me to go even farther!


I am now able to run and do and all forms of exercise. I love being able to work 16 hour shifts in the hospital without my feet hurting.


My life after Surgery is great. I am off of my high blood pressure medication and am being weaned off my high cholesterol medication. My glucose levels are normal. I can walk with ease and I am not out of breath anymore.


I actually signed up for a indoor soccer league and I am excited to get started. Chest compressions is another huge improvement. I am able to do a whole lot more CPR and without severe exhaustion or passing out. Lastly, I can play on the playground with my child and I don’t get stuck or winded.


I’m much happier now! I was able to get rid of the clothes that I used to wear! I’m wearing a smaller size today than I ever have. I can’t ever remember being in this size ever in my life!



Total Weight Lost: 60 lbs

I had Gastric RNY on July 25, 2011. The entire experience from my first visit to my follow up appointment have been enjoyable. The staff, even on the busiest days still take the time to greet and smile at each patient when they enter the office. This makes patients feel welcomed and respected and I appreciate that. In addition to the magnificent customer service of the front office staff, Jeanny answered all my questions and her knowledge in the process ensured things ran smoothly. Sometimes overall good experiences are overlooked and I wanted to thank the entire staff for the opportunity to live a healthier and more productive life. I would have never imagined that I would go to the gym without someone going with me or pushing me to go. This tool enables me to eat correctly and want to work out and be healthy. Just in three months the transformation in my activities and self esteem have helped me achieve a better life. I began this journey when my doctor referred me to Dr. Hanna at 247 lbs and although I am not at my goal weight yet, losing 60 lbs so far is unbelievable! I cannot wait to reach my goal and to see my future transformation as the months pass on. Thank you again!


I just wanted to thank Dr. Hanna and his amazing staff for all the love and support. They helped me put life back into my life. My family and I thank you!


Like so many others I struggled with my weight my entire life. In fact my obesity was pretty much running my life and how I was living it. I watched on the sidelines as everyone around me got to live the lives they wanted and that I wanted to, no, deserved, as well. No matter what I had tried throughout the years to lose weight the pounds would just come right back on and I was constantly getting discouraged. I really thought this was how my whole life was going to be; that I was going to be stuck with being the dreaded f-word "fat" my whole life. You see I am also a 10 year Thyroid Cancer Survivor and had only found out about it by accident attempting to start the WLS process bin 2009. More life happened and finally in fall 2017 my Mom actually found Dr. Hanna online and gave his office a call to get me in for a consultation. From my first visit on I felt super comfortable and just knew that without fear of being judged I was going to be taken care of and was in the right hands for this super important journey. I had my Gastric Sleeve surgery on Valentine’s Day 2018 and I have never looked back. After surgery I felt saved. I knew it was just a starting point, or weight loss tool if you will, but I believed and I still do that it truly did save me. Yes the surgery in itself saved my life, but it would not be without Las Vegas Bariatrics. I cannot thank Dr. Hanna and his office staff at LVB enough for being there for me for every part of my weight loss journey pre/during/post surgery. Through all of my ups and downs, answering all my questions, and cheering me on as part of my all important support system. I am especially grateful and indebted to Dr. Hanna who LITERALLY has been my biggest cheerleader and has gone above and beyond as a Doctor, especially in my after care. There are not enough words to express how thankful I truly am for Dr. Hanna and the care I have received from him and Las Vegas Bariatrics! Added bonus- Zero regrets about the surgery! Best decision I ever made, performed by the best weight loss surgeon I could have possibly asked for and more. A million thank yous and beyond!


Total Weight Lost: 135 lbs

Having Dr. Hanna do this surgery is the best thing I’ve ever done. Dr. Hanna knows what it takes to lose the weight and always takes the time to work with you to make it happen. I was 335 pounds with a 48 waist, now 200 pounds and a 34 waist in just over one year.


Having Bariatric Surgery with Dr. Hanna’s expertise was a life changing experience for me. His care and concern for his patients along with his staff is so wonderful. Not to mention the GREAT aftercare and support group. This has finally made me successful in taking the weight off and keeping if off for good. Thank you Dr. Hanna for helping me achieve a lifetime goal.


Total Weight Lost: 133 lbs

I want to thank Dr. Hanna for changing my life. Before my surgery, I had lots of health problems. High Blood pressure, Asthma, Beginning of Diabetes, Severe Sleep Apnea, and pain in my Knees. After I lost 133 lbs, I don’t have any health problems and I’m not taking any meds. I feel like a new person. I enjoy life, and I am very happy. having the surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Dr. Hanna, thanks again for saving and changing my life.


Total Weight Lost: 170 lbs

Ten months ago I was 310 lbs, my life was very unhappy and I was always depressed. Now I am 140 lbs and I feel great, my life is so much more than what it was before. Thank Dr. Hanna.


Having the surgery was the best thing I ever did for myself. My confidence and been brought up to a new level. I love being able to buy all the great looking clothes. Dr. Hanna is the best. He has done a fantastic job all along my journey. I highly recommend his to everyone.


I feel awesome. I started this process in August 2012, surgery on November 7th 2012. It is now March 2013, and I’m down over 100 pounds. I have more energy. I even played in my high school alumni water polo game in February. I’m 43 and started scuba diving again. Dr. Hanna is a wonderful surgeon. Thank you, Dr. Hanna.


Dr. Hanna saved my life. I was on oxygen suffering from Pulmonary Hypertension among other various illnesses! And with the sleeve surgery I am without oxygen unless I’m traveling or flying. His staff is amazing! I love you guys for saving my health and my life! Thank you so much.


This has proved to be an amazing jump start to successful weight loss and to maintain a healthy life style!! It is not the easy way out! It takes work and commitment, dedication and determination but nothing worth achieving is easy. I would do it again in a hot minute! Thank you Dr. Hanna for your support and encouragement; special thanks to your staff, I could not have done this without all of you.


Seeing Dr. Hanna started me on a journey for better health. The staff are tentative and very helpful. I have sleep apnea and used a CPAP device for over 20 years. The compressive setting led up to 15 and is now set at 8. My CPAP device is no longer in extra baggage on short trips. I was on insulin along with three other diabetic pills but now I am soon to be free of diabetes.


I put on probably an extra 10 to 15 years to my life. I was in a power chair, and now I’m in my shoes and walking. Thanks to Dr. Hanna and the Good Lord directing him. Thanks to both of them I’m still here!!!

Jasmine J.

Total Weight Lost: 128 lbs

When I met Dr. Hanna I was 306 lbs, now, 15 months later, I’m 178. I went from a size 26 to a size 10. I feel so good! Dr. Hanna is amazing.


Thanks to Dr. Hanna’s office for participating in my company’s health fair in February 2012. Jeanny was attending the booth, and her welcoming smile and pleasant personality made me feel comfortable to ask questions. As a result, my visit to the Las Vegas Bariatrics’ booth helped me gain more knowledge of the services offered, and started me thinking of the options I had to consider. For years, I’ve participated in exercise programs, yoga, company bowling league, neighborhood walks, boot camps – all with much enjoyment. Plus I had no worries related to weight because my health was excellent. But once I turned 50, my pristine health was slowly declining. I was carrying an extra 40 pounds regardless of the activities I participated in or the food I ate – “shocked” at my dilemma and in “awe” of my lack of progress. I knew it was time to do something special to restore my body to a healthy state. I embarked on the journey to embrace bariatric surgery. Dr. Hanna’s seminar was a good start, and the support groups helped immensely with my decision to have the gastric sleeve procedure. It was education – not pressure – that made me confident this was for me. I owe Dr. Hanna and his staff a lifetime of gratitude for their participation in my journey back to a healthy life. Now my family and friends are in a state of “shock and awe” of the new me – 75 pounds lighter, healthier, and happier!

Maria C.

Dr. Hanna is a brilliant man. He saved my life. I was sick with hypertension and snored too much. After my surgery my life has changed, no more sickness. I have a beautiful life and a happy husband. Thanks doctor Hanna!!

Mark D.

Dr Hanna and his entire staff have been great throughout the entire time of this process. I am so glad I did this with absolutely no regrets. I feel great. I can't wait to lose more weight and keep it off. Keep up the great work!!

Mark O.

Seeing Dr. Hanna was the best decision I ever made. I was on the wrong track of life. After my surgery my life has never been better, personal and professionally!

Mike R.

My weight loss journey with Dr. Hanna has been a wonderful ride. Dr. Hanna's staff are so supportive and professional. The steps I had to take before my sleeve operation were all laid out for me. All of my appointments were easy to follow and were done to my insurance's expectations. Dr. Hanna made me feel so at ease on the day of my surgery. He followed up with me after surgery and by phone when I was home. Now that I am seven months out, the medications I used to depend on took are now not needed or one-half of what they were. My diabetes is nonexistent, and my blood pressure and cholesterol meds are now only half of what they once were. My total weight loss is 71 pounds, and I am at my goal weight of 190. Thank you, Dr. Hanna for giving me my lie back.

Miles G.

Thank You Dr. Hanna! You helped change my life for the better. God Bless You!!!


Dr. Hanna is a wonderful surgeon. His professionalism is the best. I had the gastric sleeve 1 ½ years ago. I have lost 120 lbs. I have more energy and I can run! I have recommended Dr. Hanna to anyone that needs this weight loss program. If you follow his instructions you will lose weight. I am probably in the oldest age group that had the surgery and don’t regret it one bit. The office staff are great. The hospital experience was also very personal. Thank you, Dr. Hanna.


Dr. Hanna and his staff have given me a new lease on life!!!! They have provided me with all the tools to succeed and the support to keep me motivated. They are all amazing. I love them!


From day one, Dr. Hanna was amazing. He is very personable and really cares for his patients. I’ve lost over 100 lbs and with that weight loss came energy, and I was able to get my life back. I went back to school; got my message therapy license and now I go out dancing almost 3 days a week. I enjoy shopping for clothes again, looking good in clothes. Seeing the clothes I used to wear being so big on me was a kick. My husband jokes about how before he couldn’t put his arms around me and hold his hands, and how he can now. We are both extremely happy with the results. The best thing was, immediately after surgery, my medical problems caused by my weight were beginning to dissipate and before long were gone all together. I would recommend this surgery to everyone. It’s the best gift one could give themselves.


I owe my new beautiful skinny life to Dr. Hanna and staff. This is the healthiest I’ve ever felt. I’m so happy.

Happy Patient

When I reached my high weight of 270 lbs. something needed to be done, so I chose to see Dr. Hanna. I have lost over 100 lbs in 9 months and feel great! Thank you to General Surgery Solutions and Dr. Hanna & Jeanny.


Thanks to Doctor Hanna I am off of eight different kinds of medication and feeling healthier every day. I can run and play with my grandchildren. I love vacations, hiking, rowing, and swimming.


Total Weight Lost: 92 lbs

Dr. Hanna has been a lifesaver. I weighed 202 lbs and now I’m down to 110 lbs. I used to wear a size 16 and now I’m wearing a size 1. The care Dr. Hanna and his staff have is incredible. I’m a new Woman thanks to Dr. Hanna. Dr. Hanna has been very supportive throughout the entire process. All of the information provided was so informative it made my decision for me to go ahead with my surgery easy. I’m very happy and satisfied with the entire process. From the very beginning, I had the mindset that Dr. Hanna was going to do his job and he did. Now it’s my turn to do my part which is to eat right and exercise. I’m very thankful for Dr. Hanna and all that he has done for my new life.





Total Weight Lost: 70 lbs





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